Thursday, November 05, 2009

Better than gillyweed!

I saw a billboard on EDSA this afternoon, advertising "Goretex Noselift," and thought...What da...???

For those that don't know, Gore-Tex is a kind of fabric that is both water-proof and breathable. It is used in outerwear (shells, jackets, etc), inner/underwear, footwear, and anything else you want to protect from water, and yet not be soaked with sweat.

Then it hit me... it's for SCUBA divers who don't want to be encumbered by their SCUBA gear anymore! I mean, it water-proofs your nose, and it's still breathable! [kwenk-kwenk-kwenk...]

Better than having to rummage through Snape's personal stash of gillyweed any day, I'd say.

Oy, Syokoy!

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